
Friday, December 5, 2008


Hello everybody I am Zongo and I come from the Belgian Congo, home of Voodoo. I have been very busy today with Chew-Mee making plans for the big fiesta on the 24th. Then I ran into a problem, when we took a break from building the Iron Maiden. I went for a shot of blue tree frog juice for a little extra kick and noticed that it was gone, along with the keys to the X-3 Stiletto Jet. We also have noticed that Louise is gone... MMMMMMMMM. Now I wonder if the psycho money would be that stupid to rip me off, then steal the jet? The last thing you want to do is PISS ME OFF!! Just look at what I did to John McCain. After he picked that nut job Sarah, I would change the words coming out of her mouth whenever she would speak in public. Ooh la la a pinch of this and squeeze of that, whoala instant political suicide. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I love to get in to people's heads and fuck with there minds. But I don't do it to just anyone, I only pick the biggest assholes in the world. And right now I'm going to go look for one named Louise. I am also taking over this blog until I get my frog juice back....Much More To Come, XOXO Zongo


Paintress Gretchen said...

Well, how do you do Zongo!
I know where louise was tonight, I worked with her!
Although her body may be in the x-3 stiletto jet her spirit inhabited the body of Jesse tonight.
"Oh, Rod doesn't pay me enough to do that! I'm outta here!" And "Mind if I take another break? I think I'll go up to the Grand for a drink".
You know how she is!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmm ooh la la you like I shrink her head for you??? It sounds like it is getting too big to me no?