
Monday, December 15, 2008


The day started like any other... Louise was just coming home from an all nighter as Frank and Jess were getting up to meet the new day. As soon as they left the bedroom, Louise moved in and made herself at home. With the heat cranked to blistering 97* and four extra blankets on top, she snugged on in for a movie amd maybe a little nap as well. She thought to herself, "Hm... kinda dull around here since Zongo left. Wonder what dimension he's in now... "
"What the hell? Whats that... is that Jesse's Rabbit I feel? Hm?"
"Oh look, Zongo left his Intergalactic Noise Maker... imagine the fun I could have with that!"
Suddenly Zongo appears out of nowhere... "No, no, no Louise. What are you up to love? I told you to never touch my things, no?"
"If you want something to play with, oh-la-la, then here you go!"
"Shit! The fucker gave me a cock and BALLS!"