
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

With Tears in our Eyes...But where's Big Brass?

Hello all! Jesse here...Louise, Frankie and I went to cover election night from headquarters, otherwise known as St. Elmo's. Louise began drinking right away...babbling on about how exhausting this campaign has been, how hard she has worked for Big Brass, and what a hard ass that director is blah, blah, blah. Needless to say she was drunk in a matter of minutes. Meanwhile we all clamored around sitting on our stools waiting for the man of the hour. When Obama finally gave his speech there wasn't a dry eye in the place. Even The Flying Mermaid was getting choked up...

After a few more drinks we were on our way to a good time. But wait! Where was Big Brass? Where was the woman who worked tirelessly on the campaigning for over 21 months? Painted numerous Hill Suits and hosted several Hill parities? I spotted her sweetie Shawnee and asked him. According to him she had sucked down a box of wine and had passed out prior to all the who-ha.

Some member of the H.C.A. were on hand to live it up for her. Slaving away again for Big Brass. I snapped a pic of the bartenders tee. Louise kept asking me if she was bi and if so could I hook her up. As she says, "Any species, anytime, anywhere." I had to tip the poor girl extra just to deal with Louise and her drunken rambling...

INS Officer Franks made the scene to follow up on a lead to Chew-Mee Moore's whereabouts. I thought he was going to take Louise in for questioning but she somehow turned her interrogation into a strip show. He got distracted and she manged to slip away on down to The Stock.


Paintress Gretchen said...

Ya, I was wearing a box of wine hat with a guzzle straw attached watching the returns, nerves you know. Well, I passed out even before Kentucky's returns came in!
Hillary did too, we just have so much in common!

Flying Mermaid said...

EVEN the Flying Mermaid??? Ain't NOBODY cried as hard as that ho, and she ain't stopped yet! I'll give her one more day, and then something's gotta be done!