
Friday, November 21, 2008

Louise & Chew-Mee Stop The GOP Pt.5 Trixie Hears Her Master's Voice

Enjoying a sunny morning,Trixie is having a breakfast of Reese's peanut butter cups with Mo-Ray. When she hears a plea for help...

Even if it is coming from the depths of Hells Deep and not more than a whisper, It's like a nail gun shooting a message in to Trixie's brain...

Just wanting to go back to her breakfast, she must answer her master's voice and go and rescue that psycho ass sock monkey...

So stuffing the rest of the peanut butter cup into her snout, she grabs Mo-Ray and they take off to find Chew-Mee...
If they are going to Hells Deep to battle The GOP and save that bitch monkey they are going to need some more help. Kind of like "The A Team" on LSD. But first they need to find Chew-Mee because only that eel dancer knows where the others can be found...

So first stop is Mexico to find Chew-Mee, who should still be hung over from the Tesguino party...


Paintress Gretchen said...

"A-Team on Acid", this stuff is great!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the A-Team...