
Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well I had a great video of Louise telling the Groundhog to shove it, that it was going to be an early spring... But it just won't down load. Suck! So here's a pic from yesterday instead. Louise says, "What are you looking at huh? I DO eat every now and then... "


Charlene said...

I, for one, am amazed...and it's not out of a dumpster? Louise! You shock!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Damn! I can't wait to see video! Louise, I wasn't watching you eat, O.K.?

love23 said...

Hey Louise, I got a certain GIMP delivered to my house yesterday by Charlene, and GIMP has taken on a new look. I had to wait for the silicone to dry, to photograph his new look, but will do so later and send the photos to Miss Jess and Mr. Chew-mee. I wasn't watching you eat your banana either! I am not sure who's in for getting THE GIMP next, only responsible partying people are in the mix!

love23 said...

Oh yeah and I finally attached his amazing hat properly, it won't fall off now!

Anonymous said...

I see you made comment just as I was writing the new post.WOW!Charlene just made it by the skin of her teeth!

Anonymous said...

Early spring huh? Have you looked outside?