
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Meet The New Boss...

Yea Obama talks about change...
Until I see them close GITMO, I say the new boss is the same as the old boss. After reading this today, I can now say I'm sorry I even bothered to vote. I think I'll never vote again, that way I won't be fooled again.

Obama can forget about ever getting an Eel Dance from me. Chew-Mee Moore


Zongo P. Finklebone said...

Yep Mexico is looking better and better these days.Drug War,Swine Flu and all!

Paintress Gretchen said...

What, you don't believe in abiding by the Army manual?
Are you a Commie or something?

Paintress Gretchen said...

A hem, your new post isn't up and I gotta go! I'll check back once in two seconds, then again later tonight!

Chew-Mee said...

OK you beat me in time,but I'm in color BB!