
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Off To Play With The Spiders

Spider Rock,Canyon de Chelly

Well the time has come for Cherry Blossom and I to embark on a Top Secret Mission to see a Skyhorse and a Spider on a Rock about bringing the Navajo and Tarahumara Nations together with one crazy ass idea I came up with.Then off to the White House for a Rum&Coke, wish us luck. I'm sure we will have one hell of a story to tell when we return, I will now leave you with this lovley Lullaby.

XOXO Chew-Mee Moore

My fav songs by The Cure


Paintress Gretchen said...

Ah, Cwewy Bwossum, I'll miss you! And you too, Chew-mee.
Have fun, I should already be at the White House by the time you get there, so see you then!

Charlene said...

have a wonderful journey to spider-land! and, thanks for the songs! (I was at Bowie's concert during the Glass Spider Tour!)...

Flying Mermaid said...

Panting to hear all your adventures of one of my favorite places in the world!