
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monkey Meeting!

Louise has called a house meeting to go over the specifics of tomorrow night's 'gig', as Louise is now calling it, with the other monkeys. She wants to make sure everyone is on their best behavior and nothing gets screwed up. You can listen in on the clip below and be sure to catch the show!
Venus de Mars at Hot Licks tomorrows night 3/15! Show starts at 7pm.


Paintress Gretchen said...

They'll need to get their special "reserved" seating early! See you all at 3 PM.

~D said...

Holy yarnfest, Batman, that's a lot of sock monkeys!!!
I sooooo wish I could have made it to the show! :( Hope to see lots of pics and footage from the gig!

Chew-Mee said...

mmmmmmmm it looks like there is one sock monkey that is missing from this photo....I wonder who it could be?

Jess said...

Two when you think about it...........