
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Inside the boudoir of Zongo...

(Click to Enlarge)
While all of the sock monkeys were hanging out in Venus' boudoir the other night, Zongo the Voodoo Sock Monkey and two others stayed in. These three NEVER leave the boudoir, otherwise known as Fire in the Hole. Let's take a peek in there shall we?
He is French...
Otherwise known as Zongo's wife. We did a Meet the Monkeys segment on her a long time ago... Remember? Zongo had removed her hands and feet so she couldn't run away from him?
AND, The Gimp! Who could forget him?
Pretty kinky inside that boudoir, if I do say so myself!


Jess said...

(I went back and found the Meet the Monkeys segment introducing her. Here it is)

Hello everyone, Jess here to introduce you to Margarete... where are you Margarete? Come out, come out wherever you are... There she is, don't be shy! Margarete is from Haiti... she is kind of a high Voo-Doo priestess. When we first got her we noticed something odd about her hands and feet... Namely, she doesn't have any! Jade said she was a prostitute who had her hands severed during a freak accident. I was set to believe that, with her facial expression and all, but then I heard from Zongo that she is actually his wife! He explained he had to cut her hands off to prevent her from stealing his things, guess he is rather possessive of his stuff. Her feet had to go too so she wouldn't run away from him. Doesn't sound so great being Zongo's wife... Big Brass take heed. The other monkeys are nice to her and treat her no differently than anyone else. However, I have heard Frankie Monkey trying to talk her into getting some prosthetics, think he has a thing for them little sicko that he is.

Paintress Gretchen said...

Heed taken. Looks like wicked, voodoo hijinx are in the works!