
Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Wishes do come True!

Louise took Judy across the line today to make her Christmas wish come true.
We headed on over to see Dr. Canez in her soon to be built downtown office location. Always the professional she was ready to help. She explained the process involved and answered all of Judy's questions.
The staff included a familiar looking anesthesiologist....
And the lovely Nurse Thunk-It.... Let's see how it went.
Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion, aptly titled The Final Cut....


~D said...

I still can't get the overwhelming stench of stale urine out of my nostrils. :-( HAAALP! I'm filing workman's comp!!!

Chew-Mee said...

I liky dat smell......Good lucky filling out the Mexican workman comp papers.hahahahahahaha why do u think we filmed in Mexico?

Paintress Gretchen said...

O.K., how the hell did you manage this one? Wow!