Back in 1984 while I was living hand to mouth, doing screen printing in a bread box sized office space in Auckland, New Zealand, I would hear this song played a lot on the radio. The song was called 'I was a Kamikaze Pilot' by the Australian band the Hoodoo Gurus. I got to see them play one night when they were in NZ and got to see them again when they played in Tampa a few years later...
Decades later I gave my wife the nickname 'Cherry Blossom' as a tribute to the lyrics in the 'Kamikaze' song and I also did this painting called 'Cherry Blossoms Falling Down'...
I happened to find the Hoodoo Gurus on Facebook the other week and asked if I could make another one of their songs the official song for the LSM Blog. Louise asked, "Hey Dave, would it be ok to make 'Axegrinder' the official song for the Louise Slut Monkey Blog?" Dave said, "But of course!" So here it is, take it away boys......
( Double click to see full version)
Love the art and the new look!
Love the painting!
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