
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trying! Tuesday!

Been trying to get it together to film the FedUps courier taking Judy on her way. Chew-Mee Moore is playing the part of the courier once again. Seems her pig tails were a big hit in Box it Up, but she won't come out of her trailer...
(Over a loud speaker)
"Attention Louise Monkey and Chew-Mee Moore! Report immediately to sound stage six! We need you in costume and in character and on the set in five!"


Louise Monkai said...

Piss off!

Louise Monkai said...

It's not Trying Tuesday, it's Fat Tuesday... Jezz, get it right!

Paintress Gretchen said...

Hmmm, this sounds interesting...

Anonymous said...

I for one, need a bowl.