
Monday, August 31, 2009

Pressure It A Funny Ting

Yes pressure is a funny ting, some people have tooo much, some not enough. For example my compresser will not run my fancy new spray gun....

Then we have Cherry Blossom who is starting a new on line classes. MMMMM I tink I got the better deal, dis song goes out to you CB.


Paintress Gretchen said...

Why the pressure? I'm feeling behind the times over here!

Charlene said...

Oh no Cherry Blossom! What will you do with all this pressure? Passion Flower is sad for your plight!

Flying Mermaid said...

Oh, I do adore you, Chew Me, and wish I could offer you some more CO2, but all I got is Too Much Pressure!

Flying Mermaid said...

I hate how you can't use HTML here! I wanted to send you a video!

Louise Monkai said...

I will follow the link to it!